The Loop Loft

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dancing On The Milky-Way

by Kevin Lajiness

Dancing On The Milky-Way

Song Lyrics

Come dancing with me on the Milky Way 

Will go dancing on the Milky Way 
With rockets all around us 
It’s in the romancing the stone that is the romancing 
In the wander is the lust 
But I will still open my heart to your advancing 
Because theirs lighting in my veins 
And will go dancing will go dancing on the Milky Way 
With rockets bursting in the sky will go dancing 
And the storm is all around me and I cry out like thunder 
And there’s lightning in my veins and I am waiting here for you 
Come with me will go dancing on the Milky Way 
With lightning in the sky will go dancing on the Milky Way 
With rockets in the sky with an eagle eye I hunt you 
Perched on top a mountain I can see the valley 
And the angels fly about me come with me 
Will go dancing will go dancing 
Come with me will go dancing on the Milky Way 
With rockets in the sky 
Every emotion is exalted I will come out triumphantly 
For my destinies at my fingertips the man who
 does what’s in his heart 
Than that what’s in his heart is already done 
Come with me will go dancing in the Milky Way 
With lightning in the sky for in the searching 
I have already found you 
You have my attention and that is a covenant I can hold onto 
With you forever and will go dancing on the Milky Way 
Will go dancing on the Milky Way It’s in romancing the stone 
That is the romancing in the wander is the lust 
But I will still open my heart to your advancing 
Because theirs lighting in my veins And will go dancing 
on the Milky Way will go dancing on the Milky Way 
Because there is lightning in my vein

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